Whimsy in the Garden

Hello everyone,
We are having an amazing summer here on the Island with lots of sunny hot days(but not too hot) and cooler evenings. It has been awhile since we had a summer this lovely.
Today, I am sharing some whimsy in the garden. Every garden needs a little touch of whimsy don't you think? the little woman above was a gift from my daughters last year and she is sporting my apron and straw hat .
I love this little fairy that moves around the garden.
Our garden is large so we have a few statues to add some interest here and there.
I got this old cement birdbath at the Restore a few weeks ago.

A pretty teacup adds a little whimsy to the garden.
I love birdhouses and find them hard to pass up.

This old iron stove was sitting on the side of the road for junk day a couple of years ago- a little spray paint and a Fairy rose and it added some interest to this corner of the garden.
What could be more charming then a real little fairy in the garden?
I like to have a few birdbaths scattered around the garden.
A mirror behind the statue adds a little intrigue.
I love this birdhouse from tjmaxx.
The same spraypaint on this obelisk draws the eye into this bed.
A place to put some seed for the birds and welcome you into the garden.
The little woman decked out for a wedding- our grandneice and nephew were in a wedding recently and they came to the garden for photos so I thought it would be fun to add more whimsy.
I love this birdhouse also.
Mary tucked into the virginia creeper.
Cute little cement rabbit.

And finally this bicycle from our local Winner's and spray painted pistachio green adds some whimsy as it gets moved around the garden.
Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers for my Mom. It has been a difficult road for Mom as at 87 bowel surgery is always major. I am happy to say that Mom is showing improvement but it will be slow. She still has a tube in to drain her stomach and has not had anything to eat in 12 days except a little sugar and water in her iv. She was smiling today but we are still waiting for that cup of tea-hopefully tomorrow! I pray after going through all that she has, she will make a good recovery and be back at the home where she has lived for the past few years.
Thank you so much from Mom and I for your kindness. I have not had much time for playing with my camera lately but these are some pics from over the summer.
Take care,


Hello everyone,

I wanted to pop by to thank all of you for your kind and loving messages in the past week as my Mom has been in hospital. To give you a little update-Mom had surgery last night for a bowel obstruction and she has come through the surgery as well as expected and she slept peacefully all morning. the next few days will be very difficult but the Doctor seems hopeful that all can go well if there are no complications such as infection or pneumonia.

My Mom was still pleading for a cup of tea( no fluids for a few days - only ice chips ,and not even that for hours before surgery) as she was going into surgery last night. So please pray that we will soon be enjoying the best cup of tea we ever had!

Thank you again- it is amazing to have support from friends all over the world.

Take care,


Blogging Break

I am just popping in to let you know that I will be taking a break from blogging for awhile. My Mom has been admitted to the hospital and I will be spending my time with her. My prayer(please join me) is that she doesn't suffer - so far she is resting comfortably and I am remaining hopeful she will be back to her sweet self again soon.
Take care,

Just a few previously posted pics.

A Summer Afternoon Garden Tea !

Hello everyone,
It was another beautiful summer day here again so why not join us for afternoon tea.
I picked a fresh bouquet of oriental lilies and some David phlox for our table dressed in white linens.
We have a pretty teapot.
I am enjoying a peek at my favorite magazine-Victoria.
I made a few sandwiches and some cookies to go with our afternoon tea.
My good friend Heather joined me for afternoon tea. Isn't she lovely?
We are enjoying a little chat in the shade of our garden terrace.
This reminds me of the song in Anne of Green Gables- Did you hear!-Did you hear! , Tell me everything my dear!
What a lovely afternoon!
I used my dainty pink and white china so it would match with the bouquet and of course my dress too!
This post has been insprired by the cover on the July 1990 issue of Victoria.
Thank you Keith(Heather's husband) for taking the photos of Heather and I.
Well, I am so glad you could join me for afternoon tea on this lovely summer day.
I am joining with Kathy at A Delightsome Life for her Victoria-Return to Loveliness party.
I am also joining Sandi again for Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage .
Susan at Between Naps on the Porch is having Tablescape Thursday again and I am joining in today.
Thank you for visiting me,